
Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.


Want To Start Walking Your Cat? 3 Reasons To Visit The Vet First

27 November 2018
Pets & Animals, Blog

Taking your cat on regular walks outdoors can be a great way to ensure that they get some fresh air and stimulation, while still enjoying the safety of being an indoor cat. If you've already gotten them used to wearing a harness and want to start taking your cat outside, you need to get familiar with exactly what you can do to ensure that your cat is safe. Before starting to bring your cat outdoors, you should look into the following reasons why a vet visit can be a necessity for your cat.
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Tips For Choosing The Right Fence For Your Large Dog

20 July 2018
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

From privacy and home value to appeal and security, a fence can be a great addition to your home. However, if you have a pet, a fence can be even more of a smart investment. Unfortunately, many homeowners tend to choose a fence not suited to the size or personality of their pet. If you have a big dog, such as a German shepherd, mastiff, or even golden retriever, making sure you install the right type of fence is imperative.
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3 Reasons To Buy A Teacup Yorkie Puppy

21 March 2018
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Trying to figure out what breed of dog to buy is a big decision. There are so many different breeds out there that make excellent pets. However, it is important to take into consideration the location in which you live, who will be around this dog, what your main reason for buying a dog is, etc. If you are looking for a dog for yourself, then you should consider a teacup Yorkie puppy.
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3 Ways To Tame A Feline’s Foul Flatulence

11 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Cats pass gas on a regular basis just like humans do, but most of the time it goes unnoticed. However, there are times when a cat's gas can become extremely stinky and unpleasant for people to be around. If your cat has chronically awful farts, try these three tips to get some relief. Greens Cats typically eat greens on a regular basis when they're allowed to go outside and roam. You've probably seen a cat munching on grass or even weeds at one time or another.
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3 Tips To Follow When Looking For A Responsible Breeder

11 May 2017
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

One of the hardest parts about buying a purebred puppy is finding a responsible breeder to work with rather than a puppy mill. However, there are a few tips that you can follow that will help you find a responsible breeder and avoid puppy mills, such as the three listed below. Look Into The Number Of Puppies That Are Available One of the biggest red flags when it comes to differentiating a responsible breeder from a puppy mill is how many puppies are available throughout the year.
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About Me
How A Home Can Become A Lizardtopia

Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.
