Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.


5 Reasons to Consider a Goldendoodle Puppy

1 December 2023
Pets & Animals, Blog

When it comes to choosing a furry companion, everyone has their preferences. But if you're looking for a breed that's smart, loyal, and playful, you might want to consider a Goldendoodle. These cute and cuddly pups have become increasingly popular in recent years and for good reason. Here are five reasons why a Goldendoodle may be the perfect addition to your family. Goldendoodles are great for families with allergy sufferers:
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Miniature Goldendoodle F1: The Perfect Blend Of Cuteness And Intelligence

21 July 2023
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

The Miniature Goldendoodle F1 is a crossbreed dog between a Miniature Poodle and Golden Retriever. With their adorable looks, friendly nature, and intelligence, Mini Goldendoodles make excellent family pets and companions. To help you decide if this would be the right dog for you, below is information about this breed. Appearance Mini Goldendoodles typically inherit a mix of physical traits from both parent breeds. They have soft, wavy or curly coats that can range in colors from cream and golden to red.
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Miniature Schnauzers - Useful Purchasing Advice For Families

2 June 2023
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Miniature schnauzers are popular because of their friendly disposition and small size. They make for great family pets. If you're looking to bring one home, remember the following advice. Find a Breeder You Feel Good About If you want to get optimal genetics and a healthy puppy, one of the best places you can buy a miniature schnauzer is from a breeder. A specialty breeder, more specifically, can give you added assurances as a buyer.
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Six Things To Know When It Comes To Hypoallergenic Puppies

27 January 2023
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

If you'd love to have a puppy but worry about your allergies, you should learn about hypoallergenic puppies. Hypoallergenic puppies might be a great option for you and your family. The following are six things to know when it comes to hypoallergenic puppies.  Hypoallergenic puppy breeds produce less dander than other dog breeds. Any puppy breed that is known for producing minimal dander is considered a hypoallergenic puppy breed. If a dog produces less dander, this means that its owners are less likely to experience allergic reactions.
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About Me
How A Home Can Become A Lizardtopia

Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.
