3 Reasons To Buy A Teacup Yorkie Puppy

Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.

3 Reasons To Buy A Teacup Yorkie Puppy

3 Reasons To Buy A Teacup Yorkie Puppy

21 March 2018
Pets & Animals, Blog

Trying to figure out what breed of dog to buy is a big decision. There are so many different breeds out there that make excellent pets. However, it is important to take into consideration the location in which you live, who will be around this dog, what your main reason for buying a dog is, etc. If you are looking for a dog for yourself, then you should consider a teacup Yorkie puppy. Here are three reasons why. 

They Don't Shed 

The coat of a teacup Yorkie is actually made of hair rather than fur. Because of this, they don't shed like normal dogs do, but instead shed more like a human. Their hairs will fall out from time to time, but for the most part you won't ever have to worry about cleaning up dog hair. This can make things so much easier for you as a dog owner because you don't have to spend time each day vacuuming up dog hair all over your house. Also, you don't have to worry about dog hair getting in places where it doesn't belong, such as your food, your clothing, etc. 

They Don't Require A Great Deal Of Exercise 

Because teacup Yorkies are so small, they don't require a huge space in order to get in the exercise that they need. They will likely be just fine running around your home and going on short walks. This is perfect if you want a dog, but live in a small space. With a big dog, they will go stir crazy and you will have to walk them often if you live in a space that doesn't give them room to run outside. So, if you live in an apartment, a Yorkie is a perfect dog for you. 

They Are Great Companions 

Teacup Yorkies are great one owner dogs because they are very loyal and obedient to their owners. Your Yorkie will love when you give him or her attention and will be a great companion for you. This is perfect if you live alone and are a bit lonely when you are at home. Your Yorkie will likely become your best friend and will want nothing more than to please you and for you to spend time with them. 

Purchasing a teacup Yorkie is a great idea because they don't shed, they don't need a great deal of space in order to thrive, and they are great companion dogs. Contact a breeder, like puppy heaven, for more help.

About Me
How A Home Can Become A Lizardtopia

Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.
