3 Health Tips You Should Know If You Have A Dog

Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.

3 Health Tips You Should Know If You Have A Dog

3 Health Tips You Should Know If You Have A Dog

25 September 2020
Pets & Animals, Blog

If you have a dog, you need to do more than feed them once or twice a day. You need to make sure you are taking care of their overall health. You need to understand a little bit about pet healthcare to do so.

Dogs Can be Overweight

Just like people, dogs can get overweight as well. Being overweight can carry lots of negative health consequences for your dog. Being overweight can lead to heart and joint issues and has been linked to cancer and diabetes in pets. Find out from your vet what is a healthy weight range for your pet and work to keep your pet within that range. You can help them stay within a healthy weight range by providing them with the right amount of food and by making sure your pet gets enough exercise. If your dog is currently overweight, your vet can work with you on a plan to get their weight within a healthy range again.

Dental Hygiene Matters

If you have ever been around a dog who has terrible breath, you may already be aware on some level that your dog's dental hygiene matters. Ideally, you should start brushing your dog's teeth with a dog toothbrush and toothpaste when they are a puppy so that they are used to having their teeth brushed by the time they are fully grown. Although your vet would appreciate it if you brushed your dog's teeth every day, try to brush their teeth at least once a week. Once a year, take them in for annual dental cleaning with your vet. By taking care of your dog's dental hygiene, you will help ward off horrible breath, and you can help ward off painful dental diseases and other health consequences that follow poor dental health.

Get Regular Check-Ups

Some of your dog's health needs are similar to your own, such as the need for exercise, a healthy diet, and good oral hygiene. Some of their health needs, and signs something is wrong with your dog's health, can be different than signs that a person isn't well.

That is why it is a good idea to take your dog for a regular check-up at least once a year to your vet. Your vet will make sure your dog is up to date with their vaccinations, they will also check for any other signs that your dog is in poor health. Regular check-ups can allow your vet to spot issues early and help protect your dog's overall health.

When it comes to your dog, you need to make sure you don't overfeed them. You need to make sure you help them get enough exercise and be sure to take your dog into your vet for an annual check-up.

About Me
How A Home Can Become A Lizardtopia

Hi there, my name is Burt Wilson. If you are a lizard enthusiast like me, you know that your reptiles are as important to you as the friendliest and fluffiest puppy or kitten. However, while we are mammals, our scaled kindred spirits have a different biology that requires special attention. I feel like most reptile homes aren't perfect for reptiles, so I decided to create this website to correct many misconceptions about owning them. But I also have a passion for literally any other type of pet and have kept all of them. While you will be learning primarily about reptiles, you will sometimes see articles covering all sorts of other critters.
